Quantcast Hawaii Real Estate News - Page 20 | Locations

Oahu Single-Family Home Median Price Up Four Percent in October 2023

In the October 2023 interest rate environment, it’s important to keep in mind that the Oahu real estate market is stronger now than it was in the years leading up to the pandemic. Although both homebuyer and seller activity have been dampened somewhat by higher mortgage rates and recent increases in home prices, Oahu is still a competitive market due to low housing supply and broad, high demand.

Locations Foundation

Spook-tacular Blood Drive Success: Locations Foundation Saves 93 Lives

It was a ghoulishly good time at the Locations Foundation's annual blood drive on October 31, 2023, held at our Diamond Head office. This year, our dedicated agents and staff donned their capes and donated a staggering 31 pints of blood to the Hawaii Blood Bank, proving that giving back can be as thrilling as a Halloween scare. Even better, these donations have the potential to save 93 lives – now that's a reason to celebrate!
