Quantcast Hawaii Real Estate News - Page 96 | Locations

90 Minutes That Could Change YOUR Life!

You are reading this at the RIGHT TIME and if you are thinking of buying your first home, you don’t need to wait for someone to show you the way. Hosted by Prudential Locations, and at NO cost to you -- I invite you to attend our Non-Homeowner Seminar – A wonderfully engaging presentation filled with incredibly dynamic and clearly illustrated market information!


Owning an Affordable Piece of Paradise

Hawaii is a seriously beautiful place. Even more so when you don’t live here and it's minus 10 degrees back home! Hawaii's weather is temperate year round, the water hovers between 75 and 80 degrees and you can live outdoors from January through December. The people are genuine and friendly and Hawaii is still part of the United States!  

I often meet buyers who are interested in visiting Honolulu on a more regular basis. Several of them want to own a piece of paradise they can use when visiting, and rent out when they’re not here.

Condo/Hotels are popular with vacationers looking to spend more time in Honolulu.
