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The Locations Foundation, the not-for-profit arm of Prudential Locations, hosted the "Bowling for Kids’ Sake" event at Aiea Bowl. This annual event brings together many different organizations that donate their time and bowlers to help raise awareness for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Hawaii – an exceptional organization that reaches out to children and teens, helping to positively influence the way they grow up.
Solar Electricity is a good thing, but not without some complexities. Here are some things you absolutely need to consider when buying a solar system, or a home with a solar photovoltaic system already installed.
Kapolei is a master-planned community, situated on the leeward coast of Oahu. In recent years, the city has been growing exponentially, offering up larger and more affordable homes to its flocking residents. However, not even 30 years ago, most of the city was covered with acres of sugar cane fields.
Our lucky July #WhereAreWeWednesday winner is Mituho Miroku! She answered via Facebook. Congratulations!
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