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It is definitely a seller's market right now, but that's not to say there aren't some great deals out there! Here are 10 fee simple condos under $100,000…But what's the difference between fee simple and leasehold? A fee simple condo is the most familiar form of ownership to buyers, they are given a title of the property which includes the land and any improvements to the land in perpetuity. Leasehold buildings reside on leased land. As an owner of a leasehold condo you do not own the land, instead you have a right to use the land for a pre-determined amount of time. Here are the top 10 cheapest fee simple condos available on Oahu. 85-175 Farrington Highway, C115 - Waianae, HI 96792 $62,900
Convenient ground floor unit with breathtaking salt-water pool and ocean views! The studio is complete with highly upgraded built-in cabinets, bathroom vanity, laminate floor, carpet, garbage disposal, water heater, awning windows, tinted sliding glass door, air conditioner and fresh paint. Two salt-water pools, private lagoon, exercise room, his /hers saunas, two laundry rooms and a small store. Your own private resort! Property listed by Foster Realty, Inc. |
Perfect sunsets. Warm turquoise ocean waters. World class surfing. Gorgeous, windswept sandy beaches. This is Hawaii. Would you like a piece of paradise? Hawaii has seen her fair share of visitors, from Pacific Islanders to the Europeans and Americans… over time the world discovered Hawaii's natural beauty, and over time investors discovered the lucrative beauty in Hawaii's real estate market. So who’s really investing in Oahu real estate? Which country has the largest draw to our warm sandy shores? Internationally, in 2012, the largest investor in Oahu's real estate market was Japan with over $168 million. Coming in a distance second was Canada with $37 million, followed by China at $11.8 million and then Australia with $9.6 million and rounding off the top five with Hong Kong at $6.5 million. |
Many people think they can’t buy a home, for a variety of reasons. Maybe they have poor credit, perhaps very little money saved or maybe the whole process of buying and owning a home is just so overwhelming it’s simply easier to rent. Well, the unknowns of buying a home shouldn't be a deterrent. Start by asking a simple question. Is buying a home right for me? Oftentimes there is a need, motivation or driving force leading towards the thought of buying?
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